Hi everyone! I realise if you're reading this you will most likely be my family and friends (and therefore obliged to) but just in case......I am a volunteer for VSO and this is a blog about my experiences of life in Nigeria, first I was briefly in Calabar and now I'm in Abuja the capital city. You may also find some random references to uses I find for the tools on my Swiss army knife as well as my reflections on my everyday life as a VSO volunteer, just go with it.

Monday, 27 June 2011

6 more sleeps...

Jeepers (well that's the most pc/acceptable to my mother who may read this way I can write how I'm feeling at the moment). Less than a week to go until I leave and I have way more than a week's worth of stuff to do, but I'm trying not to get into a Kasia style panic about it all and just tick the jobs off one by one and ignore the fact that for every job I tick off I add three more to the bottom of the list! I really think there's a niche in the market for professional packers, I would definitely pay someone to do all of this for me...anyone??

I've said most of my goodbyes, cried a lot, laughed a lot and had some really lovely send offs. I've also learnt some VERY important lessons, girls you know who you are and I hope you never get that message.

This weekend is my last chance to spend time with my family before I go, so when I got an email today asking if it would be feasible for me to fly a day early because 6 days before I'm due to go they've realised it would be better if we don't arrive the same day as the in country training starts, my polite answer was 'no at this late stage it's not feasible'. Probably best they didn't hear my impolite answer.  Plus I'm not giving up David Haye in shiny pants, live on the telly box in widescreen HD for anything :D

So next time I waffle on it will be in Nigeria (which is just plain crazy to me). I have no idea when this will be, but no doubt I'll whinging about how tired I was at the start of my training and how I should've cancelled all my plans to fly a day early but never mind eh, hindsight is a wonderful thing!

Wish me luck folks, I've a feeling I'm going to need it.

Kasia (not yet but soon to be in Calabar)