Hi everyone! I realise if you're reading this you will most likely be my family and friends (and therefore obliged to) but just in case......I am a volunteer for VSO and this is a blog about my experiences of life in Nigeria, first I was briefly in Calabar and now I'm in Abuja the capital city. You may also find some random references to uses I find for the tools on my Swiss army knife as well as my reflections on my everyday life as a VSO volunteer, just go with it.

Friday 16 September 2011

Monkeys and Magic (or a lack thereof)

In complete contrast to my last post (my life does seem to be about contrasts at the moment!) I just had to comment on my trip to the cinema last night. It was a tad surreal to say the least. I met up with some volunteers who were in Abuja for a meeting/workshop linked to their education placements and it was lovely to see them and go out for dinner first and head off to the cinema as a lovely treat afterwards.
I haven’t been to the cinema here yet and it was really bizarre, in that it wasn’t at all bizarre. There was a spar in the complex downstairs which was the first thing that made feel as though I had stepped into some weird portal back home and then when we actually went into the cinema I was convinced at the end I was just going to walk out back in blighty and head out into a no doubt rainy and cold car park and drive home to my flat in Gateshead. It was really odd.
Of course that didn’t happen and I had to barter for a taxi home to Maitama but for a while I thought I was the subject of a movie about rips in the time space continuum or some such sciencey type thing. Anyway the real movie of the evening was surprisingly good, we saw the new planet of the apes one and I wasn’t exactly expecting to like but I really enjoyed it. So there you go, Apes take over the world and Kasia doesn’t get magically transported to Gateshead. End of blog post.

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