Hi everyone! I realise if you're reading this you will most likely be my family and friends (and therefore obliged to) but just in case......I am a volunteer for VSO and this is a blog about my experiences of life in Nigeria, first I was briefly in Calabar and now I'm in Abuja the capital city. You may also find some random references to uses I find for the tools on my Swiss army knife as well as my reflections on my everyday life as a VSO volunteer, just go with it.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Another giant spider

The British Village had a Halloween party on Saturday night and we were excited to go however fancy dress supplies were limited in the VSO flat so we had to use our resourcefulness and make do with what we had in our wardrobes. I took inspiration from the neighbourhood walk earlier on in the day and decided to go as something I knew would be scary, well to me anyway…..

Spot the difference?

We had a fab night, made some new friends took them along to Eddy Vics to go and see Jimi and I finished the night in classic Kasia style by telling the tiny reggae singer that he was indeed tiny but that I didn’t mean it in an offensive way and if he was two feet taller I’d marry him and take him home to England. He didn’t seem to be offended and said he’d still come with me anyway. I’ll just point out I had removed my extra spider legs before we went to Eddy Vics, I’m not sure Nigeria is ready for fancy dress.

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